How do I add a golf club to My Bag?


You can add any of the following types of golf clubs to My Bag in the Full Swing app:

  • Woods
  • Irons
  • Hybrids
  • Wedges

Adding a Golf Club to My Bag

To add a golf club to My Bag, do the following in the app:

Note: The following steps assume this is not the first time you have logged into the app. If it is the first time, complete the sign-up process. Doing so will place the user at the Practice screen mentioned in the following step 1.

  1. Sign into the app. The first screen you will see will be the Practice screen.
  2. Tap User Account and Preferences button in the top, left corner. Practice_Screen__User_Account_and_Preferences_Button_m.jpg
  3. From the Preferences section, tap My Bag.
  4. Add the new club:My_Bag_-_How_to_add_a_new_club.jpg
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