How to Pair the KIT with iPhone or iPad

There are multiple ways to pair the KIT to an Apple device, follow the below steps for more details. 


Session Setup

1. Ensure the Launch Monitor is powered on. 


2. Open the Full Swing application and navigate to the Session Setup screen by tapping Start Practice Session


3. Press the "+" sign to the right of Launch Monitor device. 

Session Setup.png

3. Select Find Device.


4. The app will search for nearby Launch Monitor devices. Once the KIT is found, select PAIR, then Finish.



User Account & Preferences

1. Ensure the Launch Monitor is powered on. 


2. Navigate to User Account & Preferences, then select My Devices


3. Tap the "+" on the top right corner. 


4. Select Find Device.


5. The app will search for nearby Launch Monitor devices. Once the KIT is found, select PAIR, then Finish.

Note: If there are multiple units, the device's name can be located in the upper, left left-corner of the OLED display, starting with "FS"



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